Caring for the Animals & The Land
Caring for the animals and the land: We utilize sustainable, earth-friendly practices to help grow the best beef nature can give us! Our animals spend their whole lives in the pasture eating grass fresh from the earth and are not fattened with grain as conventional and feedlot cattle are. They get as much time with their mother as desired and generally wean themselves when they are ready to switch from milk to grass. We avoid routine use of antibiotics and never use hormones so that you can trust your food is safe. We utilize rotational grazing-- moving the cattle often to different areas of pasture-- to optimize the cattle's impact on the land and help it produce prolific grass and protect biodiversity and against erosion. One of our favorite things about grass-fed beef farming is the potential positive impact on the environment! We are also members of the Wisconsin Grass-Fed Beef Coop and follow their protocols with all our animals so you can feel confident in the quality of your beef.
Our chickens have a wooden coop that is insulated and opens up to a sun-shielded metal run to keep them safe from predators at night, but during the day they are free to roam the pastures to their hearts' content.
Rotational Grazing
No Hormones
Grass-Fed and Finished
Pasture Raised